It’s Official: I will be going to Anime Boston 2013!

As of 11:35PM (EST) today I am registered to Anime Boston.

As a resultĀ  now have the right to register my panel idea for the upcoming convention. Both of my panels from AB2012 will be back. I’m also planning other stuff and will release more info as time goes on.

Anime Boston 2013 will be May 24-26 next year at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston’s Back Bay. If you’re interested in going you might wanna register before the end of the year. Starting January 1st the price will be increased to $55 for the weekend. It’ll cost you $60 at the door. That might seem cheap/steep for a weekend convention to some but considering more and more people come out for Anime Boston each year that speaks to how popular it is!

