Online Pre-Registration for Anime Boston 2015 now Live


You guys know the drill by now: I preregister as soon as I’m able to so I can Preregister for Panels as well. The cost to preregister is a mere $50 per adult ($18+). Kids are $30 for the wekekend. Do the math depending on how many people wanna go.

I’m not going to make the same mistake I made last year and this time I will have the powerpoints for ALL of my panels ready before the end of 2014. Last year I procrastinated until the last minute and had to withdraw two panels after they were slotted.

I don’t want to put myself in that situation again.


As a refresher, these are the Panels I am planning to bring to AB2015 and the amount of time I am requesting:

  • Clannad: The Place Where Wishes Come True (90 Minutes): It will make its return for the fourth year in a row. See the recap from AB2014 for info on what I have planned for AB2015. The overview of the Anime will be much shorter as there will be more group interaction compared to the last two years. There will also be two themes, one of which is Family and what that means. The other…I’m keeping to myself until the day of the panel!
  • Pokemon: 20 Years Later (2 Hours): The stuff I have planned for this panel…people will be talking about it for years to come. That’s the plan, anyway. There WILL be giveaways for those with X,Y, OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire. Look forward to it. There will also be a few video viewings: The first and last episodes of Pokemon Origins and music from the handheld games. Nostalgia Glasses are not required but are highly reccommended.
  • Panels: Best Practices (60 Minutes): I will go over the basics of what it takes to go through the application process as well as some tips for those looking to be a panelist at Anime Boston.
  • Persons 4: Pursuing My True Self (60 Minutes): I’m planning to bring it back again next year for another hour of power. There will be more of a focus on the psychology of Persona, though.
  • Tales of Symphonia: 10 Years Later (60 Minutes): I was supposed to do this at AB2014 so…yeah. In recent years, it’s become a game many gamers are denying they ever loved. Take no shame in loving your games, people! I will also go over the Anime. Should be pretty interesting!


I also have a digital camera so THIS time, I can take recognizable pictures of stuff. For the first time in three years, I will also begin saving up some extra cash for AB2015. I have my PayPal Links but since no one has ever used them I’m not going to bother asking for money this time.

The next message about AB2015 I plan to make is to tell you all of my powerpoints for eacg panel is done ^_^