Ok so I just tested positive for COVID-19

I figure I break the news from now.

I was feeling sick for most of the week. I spoke to my doctor Friday morning and he asked me to come in to be tested. I got the test this morning and it came back positive.

Time for some Q&A ^_^


Q. What was getting tested like?
A. Very quick. The doctor swabbed the back of my throat. Only took a moment to get a culture. It was uncomfortable for me but not because of the process itself. I get muscle cramps in my jaw and neck when I open my mouth really wide. Had I known, I would have done it in advance.


Q. How long will you be self-quarantined?
A. My doctor said I likely had it for at least a week prior to being tested. So, I was told to self-quarantine for another 7 days while my family must self-quarantine for 14 days. I plan to self-quarantine for 14 days personally to be safe though.


Q. How did you get it or how do you think you got it?
A. My mother and I both believe I got it from another member of the household who was sick the week before. My doctor said it’s likely everyone else in the house is COVID-19 Positive though as of right now, I am the only one who got tested and had it confirmed.


Q. How will you handle daily needs?
A. I live in a house with 3 bathrooms. I will use one and my other family members will use the others. As for food, I have a mini fridge. A family member will bring meals to my bedroom door for me. I also have my medications in my room already.


Q. How are you feeling now?
A. A lot better than I did two days ago physically. I had trouble breathing most of Thursday starting in the afternoon, Things got so bad, I had to go to a pharmacy to get a new rescue inhaler since I have asthma. That helped get me through the night. It’s what led to me getting tested Friday.


…Ok, I think that covers everything worth talking about for now. I plan to provide updates over on my main blog regarding my health so free free to subscibe to it if you haven’t already.

I do not anticipate my updates to this blog will be severely impacted.


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