Anime Boston 2014 Ticket Punched


As of yesterday morning I have registered for Anime Boston 2014.

Like AB2013, at the upcoming convention I will have a bit more of a focus on the panels I am going to do. As I outline in this thread, the following panels will definitely be back:


  1. Clannad: The Place Where Wishes Come True (60 Mins): I will play clips from the Recap Episode duriing the panel. The quiz will not return but I will throw in some random facts about Clannad throughout the slideshow. As before, this panel will definitely be Saturday night.
  2. Court Records: Ace Attorney (60 or 90 Mins) will be more or less like how I did it last year plus info on Dual Destinies and extra info on the Ace Attorney movies (worth checking out in my opinion, mind you). If I can’t get someone to do this with me it will be 60 minutes and it will be late Sunday morning.

As I said in the the thread I will not bring back my Fan Fiction panel unless I have a copanelist or two. I know it’ll have to be 2 hours, most of which will be open discussion and this time I want a second person there to help with the process. There are a couple of new panels I’ve been thinking of doing too but see the thread I linked to above for my list. From that list I am leaning towards Persona as my 3rd panel of the weekend though someone offered to help me do the Fire Emblem one so that’ll make four panels for AB2013.

Keep following this blog and my Gaming Blog as we get closer to Anime Boston 2014 for info on each panel.